


  二、接種有什么注意事項(xiàng)?What care should I take before and after taking vaccine?


  Before getting vaccinated, you should cooperate with the staff at the
vaccination site to complete prescribed procedures, actively provide your health
information, and answer questions from the medical staff, so that the
professionals can determine whether you are eligible for the vaccination.


  After taking vaccine, you should stay at the vaccine taking site for 30
minutes of observation and may then leave if you have no adverse reaction. Keep
the injection point dry on the day of vaccination and maintain personal hygiene.
Pay close attention to your physical condition within 14 days of vaccination,
and please go to hospital immediately in case of serious adverse reaction.

  三、接種需要簽署什么材料?What papers should I sign?


  Before taking vaccine, you should sign and submit both a form of informed
consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks
associated with vaccination at the vaccination site.

  四、接種憑證怎么領(lǐng)取?How do I get the vaccination certificate?


  When completing the vaccination, the site will provide you with the
vaccination certificate both in Chinese and English.