


  How to make an appointment for vaccination?


  Foreign nationals with regular employers in Chengdu should make
appointments through their employers with the foreign affairs office of
districts (county-level cities or counties) where their employers are located;
foreign teachers and students in colleges and universities should make
appointments through such institutions with the foreign affairs office of
districts (county-level cities or counties) where their colleges and
universities are located; other foreign nationals in Chengdu should make
appointments with the foreign affairs office of districts (county-level cities
or counties) where they live.


  What documents should be provided for vaccination?


  Foreign nationals should provide valid documents when making appointments
and present their Permanent Residence ID Cards or their passports and valid
residence permits in the People’s Republic of China at the vaccination site.
Please make sure that relevant documents are valid until the date of taking the
last dose. Those who have been covered by China’s basic medical insurance should
also present the due insurance document at the vaccination site.


  What papers should I sign?


  Before taking vaccine, you should sign and submit both a form of informed
consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks
associated with vaccination at the vaccination site.


  Should I pay for the vaccination ?


  Foreign nationals who have been covered by China’s basic medical insurance
may take vaccine free of charge by presenting the due insurance document at the
vaccination site. Those who have not should currently bear the cost of RMB 98
per dose. The vaccine price is RMB 90 per dose (determined and adjusted
according to the vaccine types and the purchase price), and the vaccine
administration fee is RMB 8 per dose.